RIGHT CHOICE FITNESS now only offers virtual services. Workout times are 30 minutes and designed to meet each individual client’s need.
Want to Start Feeling Great?
But you are not quite ready to workout.
Maybe you feel you have to get your eating on track before you decide to workout.
Or maybe you just don’t like working out.
I have another program just for you!
It’s called the MEME Challenge named because it’s all about YOU. This program will help you to jump start your weight loss journey. It’s all based on accountability.
The MEME Challenge is designed only for the person who is TOTALLY SERIOUS and has the mindset and dedication for a weight loss journey.
Are You Ready?
Be sure to read some of the client comments and learn how it has worked for them. You’ll get excited hearing about this program and want to try it for yourself. But the results depend on you.
Call us TODAY to hear all about these two programs and how to fit them into your life.